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Traffic Offenses

raleigh traffic ticket lawyerNorth Carolina Traffic Offenses

Careless And Reckless Driving 20-140

This is a very serious charge usually associated with speeding. If not handled properly this ticket can cause a license revocation and a drastic increase in insurance. See VIOLATIONS THAT CAUSE A LICENSE SUSPENSION.

Driving Without A Valid License

This offense covers situations where a driver’s license is not revoked but the driver does not have possession of the license or when the license has expired. It may also be charged when the driver’s license is revoked but he or she is charged with a lesser offense. Our firm is experiences at handling this type of ticket properly to avoid license revocation.

Driving With Revoked License 20-28

VIOLATIONS THAT CAUSE A LICENSE SUSPENSION. This is serious misdemeanor offense that could cause a further period of suspension and/or possible imprisonment. At our firm we are experienced in reviewing driving records to determine the cause of license suspensions and what can be done to have the license reinstated. The proper handling of this type of ticket by an experienced attorney can not only avoid the imposition of heavy fines and imprisonment but can also result in reducing the effect on insurance and reinstatement of a license so that future problems can be avoided.

Expired/No Registration 20-111

This is an offense that we often can get dismissed upon the showing of proof that a new registration has been obtained but must be dealt with properly. BEWARE THAT IF YOU DO NOT APPEAR FOR THIS VIOLATION A WARRANT WILL LIKELY BE ISSUES FOR YOUR ARREST!You will therefore need a experienced raleigh traffic ticket lawyer for assistance.

Exceeding Posted Speed 20-141

This appears to be a minor charge but it will cause an insurance increase if it is not handled correctly. If you are charged with this violation you should not mail in payment to the Clerk of Court and plead guilty to the charge. Instead you should call us to discuss whether we can modify this charge so that your license and insurance are not affected.

Expired/No Inspection Sticker 20-183.8

This is a common violation that we can normally get dismissed upon proof the address has been updated on the license

Failure To Change Address 20-67

This is a common violation that we can normally get dismissed upon proof the address has been updated on the license.

Fail Burn Headlamp 20-129

This violation can cause an insurance increase and must be dealt with properly. We can often times get this charge dismissed upon a showing of a good driving history.

Fail To Wear Seat Belt-Driver 20-135.2a

This charge does not affect insurance or your license but carries a mandatory fine and court costs.

Fail Yld Stopsign / Flsh Red Lgt 20-158(B)(1)(3)
Fail To Stop-Steady Red Light 20-158(B)(2)

If these charges are associated with an accident then we can often get them dismissed if the damages to the other driver have or will be paid by your insurance company.  Otherwise, the best way to handle this charge is to request a prayer for judgment which will keep the ticket from affecting your insurance if no one in your household has used a prayer for judgment in the last three years.

Failure To Yield 20-155

Following Too Closely 20-152(A)
Failure To Reduce Speed To Avoid Accident 20-154

These tickets are normally associated with an accident and, if so, we can normally have these dismissed with proof that any claims associated with the accident have been paid. If there is no accident involved then they are treated as minor moving violations and must be addressed properly to avoid an insurance increase.

 Fail To Stop For Stopped Bus 20-217

If you are convicted of passing a stopped school bus then your insurance will increase whether or not you have a clean driving record. You will also receive 5 license points. Furthermore district attorneys and judges are often reluctant to reduce these charges to keep them from affecting your insurance due to the public policy involved. Despite this we are often successful in keeping even this type of charge from affecting your insurance.

Speeding 20-141

This is the most common offense that we handle. How difficult it is to handle a speeding charge normally depends on your driving record, what the speed limit was and how fast above the speed limit you were traveling. For instance, if you were speeding less than 15 mph above the speed limit then most district attorneys will reduce the charge to 9 mph above the speed limit which will not affect your insurance if you have not received a traffic ticket in the last three years. However, if you were speeding 20 mph or more above the speed limit then your license could be revoked and most district attorneys are reluctant to reduce these charges.

Speeding In School Zone 20-141.1

If you are convicted of speeding in a school zone then your insurance will increase whether or not you have a clean driving record. Furthermore, district attorneys and judges are often reluctant to reduce these charges to keep them from affecting your insurance due to the public policy involved. Despite this we are often successful in keeping even this type of charge from affecting your insurance.

Speeding In Work Zone 20-141(J2)

This speeding charge is treated like a typical speeding charge for insurance purposes but carries with it a mandatory penalty currently at $250.00. We handle these charges as we would a standard speeding charge but we will often be able to have the penalty reduced so that the financial effect is minimized.

Unlawfully Pass Emergency Vehicle 20-157

This is serious charge that can cause a dramatic increase to your insurance. The best way to handle this charge is to request a prayer for judgment which will keep the ticket from affecting your insurance if no one in your household has used a prayer for judgment in the last three years. The granting of a prayer for judgment may require you to perform community service.

Other Moving Violations

Drive Left Of Center 20-146
Improper Passing 20-149
Improper Turn 20-153
Improper Backing 20-154
Unsafe Movement 20-154

These are minor moving violations that will cause up to a 30 percent increase in insurance if not handled properly.

If you have a traffic ticket you would like to discuss with us please call 919-729-9000 for a free consultation and get a raleigh traffic ticket lawyer for your case.

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