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Call 919-729-9000 to Speak Directly to a Traffic Ticket Lawyer
“Now servicing Alamance, Chatham, Franklin, Granville, Harnett, Johnston, Orange and Vance Counties!”
Hit & Run Violations

raleigh traffic ticket lawyerIn North Carolina, you are legally required to take certain actions if you are involved in an accident. If you fail to follow through with those actions including leaving the scene of an accident without leaving proper information then you may be charged with hit and run. If you have made a mistake and left the scene or an accident or did not even realize you had been involved in an accident until contacted by the police then we can help.

Our attorneys have successfully defended all types of hit and run charges in the North Carolina Criminal Courts. We know the courtroom players and have gained the respect of many within the system. Most likely we have handled a case similar to yours and, if you contact us, we can advise you on your best course of action in your legal situation.

North Carolina Duty to Stop Law

North Carolina law requires that you stop after being involved in any accident. When you stop you are required to provide the other driver or pedestrian with “reasonable” assistance if they are injured and give information such as your name, phone number, and insurance company to any other driver of another car involved in the accident.

Hit and Run Penalties

If you fail to fulfill your legal obligations you may be charged with hit and run. The category of this offense and the potential sentence depend on the severity of the accident.

If the accident results in property damage only and/or minimal injury, your charge would constitute a Class 1 misdemeanor. A conviction for this charge carries a potential sentence of up to one year in jail depending your criminal record as well as fines.If the accident results in serious injury or death, you would be charged with a Class H felony.. Felony hit and run carries a potential sentence of up to 8 months for a first time offender. This means if you have no criminal history, 8 months is the most time you will be sentenced to. If, however, you have prior convictions on your record, this sentence can be increased substantially.

Depending on your record, you may be eligible for probation rather than prison time.And this is where us,raleigh traffic ticket lawyer,come in.

How our Firm can Help You?

If you retain our firm we will gather all of the information to prepare a defense to the charge or to negotiate a plea to a lower charge. In most cases we will obtain evidence regarding the circumstances of the accident, the damages caused and counsel you as to how to put your case in the best possible light.

Our defense attorneys work only for you, the defendant, and only care about what is in your best interest in court.

We are interested in helping you and want to hear about your case. Please call 919-729-9000 for a free consultation on your hit and run charges today. There is no charge or obligation for our initial legal consultation. Let us give you the help you need.

If you have a traffic ticket you would like to discuss with us please call 919-729-9000 for a free consultation and get a raleigh traffic ticket lawyer for your case.

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